Venvalo Group’s principals gained their experience by building and running successful companies, in addition to having held top managerial and executive positions in Fortune 1000 companies. Venvalo group team members currently sit on boards or act as advisors to initial start-ups as well as public and private emerging and micro-cap companies.
Your biotech micro-cap public company has some major potential, you now want the market to recognize this and value it accordingly, resulting in significant increase its market value
We have been principles, board members and investors in numerous private and public companies over the last 30 years. CEOs of Multiple Inc. 500 companies. We understand the drivers of value in public micro-cap biotech markets, our experience and success is reflected in the creation of Venture Value Optimization methodologyTM. We have surrounded Venvalo group with like-minded experts specializing in different aspects of increasing the value of an enterprise. Together we have been applying and perfecting VVO methodologyTM over the years. Venvalo Group, LLC is headquartered in Miami, Florida and has satellite offices around USA and overseas.